Intro to Personal Energy Work
Presented by Cael Jacobs
We all live (and participate) in a constant flow of energy, every single day. Energy flows into us and out of us, into and out of the people around us, into and out of our environment. It happens all the time, and many of us never even take the time to notice. In this class, we will discuss, first of all, what that energy is. Then we will learn and practice techniques to become consciously aware of the flows into and out of and around us. We will learn to identify and become familiar with our own energetic centers, the places within us from which our personal power radiates. We will practice connecting ourselves to a stable place in the earth in order to ensure that we remain steady even when the energy flows we find ourselves in are powerful or even overwhelming. And we will work to develop a way to shield ourselves from the flow of unwanted energies; energies from outside that we do not wish to reach us, and energies from within that we do not wish to share.